7 Clever Ways To Entice Customers With Custom Printed Display Boxes

Display boxes are the rising stars in the packaging world. They not only hold the products but also present the products in a way that lures customers in. Custom Printed Display Boxes showcase the products as well as the brand's essence on the store shelves. 

If you need excellence in your product packaging needs, then you have to design your display boxes yourself. Because a well-designed display box can transform a casual onlooker into an eager customer. 

Presentation is the key to enticing the customers and what can give the best presentation except the custom display boxes. When printed with vibrant colors and high-resolution tones, they are sure to attract the attention of customers. 

Custom Printed Display Boxes

What Makes The Custom Printed Display Boxes The Top Choice For Brands?

Display boxes have earned the top rank due to their compelling benefits. 

Firstly, they enhance the brand visibility. The striking designs, logos, and messaging on the custom display packaging boxes create an immediate and lasting impression on potential customers. 

Secondly, these display box with custom prints are effective communicators. Display packaging boxes convey product information in an appealing manner through captivating graphics and carefully crafted text.

Organizing the products on the store shelves is yet another advantage that sets custom printed display boxes apart. Well-organized products in the custom made display boxes call the customers to buy them. 

Creative Design Ideas for Display Boxes

Creating the personalized display boxes is a hectic task but does not require the level of expertise you are afraid of. By following the simple tips, you can make above-average display packaging that makes your sales go higher. 

Purpose Of The Display Boxes

Before starting, think about the benefit you are expecting from your custom printed display boxes. Do you want Cardboard Counter Display Boxes or containers for shipping products?

Then think about the product you want the display boxes for. Make a picture of your products and the personalized display boxes in your mind. Now start making one for your brand. 

Start By Selecting A Suitable Material

When you know the nature of your product, it becomes easy to select a material for your custom printed display boxes. 

Cardboard and corrugated materials are the top choices for countertop display boxes. Corrugated material has reached $300 billion in 2023 with an annual CAGR of 3.7% as per the reports of Smithers's new report. 

Similarly, according to PRWireCenter News, the cardboard market is expected to reach USD 5413 Billion with a CAGR of 5.7% in 2028. 

Their popularity speaks for their advantages. They vary in their strengths. So choose one for your durable display boxes wholesale as per your product requirements. 

Graphics And Colors

High-resolution images and patterns create a visually engaging experience for potential customers. Similarly, colors are a powerful tool in design. So when you incorporate vibrant designs printed with bold colors, custom printed display boxes become the attention grabbers. 

Also, the secret is to choose plenty of colors in contrast to enhance the visibility of display boxes. 

It is Time To Select The Shape Of Your Display Box

Unique shapes and structures for display packaging boxes can be a game-changer. Almost 70% of the public prefers uniqueness over ordinary packaging. They create a memorable impression on customers. 

You can benefit from features like pull-out drawers, pop-ups, or interactive flaps to surprise and delight customers. These designs add an element of fun and engagement to the unboxing experience. Such custom designed display boxes also add convenience and comfort for the customers.  

The other best practice is to introduce the die-cut patterns and shapes in your display boxes. They add an element of creativity and surprise to the display packaging. 

Incorporate Branding Elements For Personalization

The design of printed display boxes should also align with the brand. The branding elements such as logos, color schemes, and brand messaging. 

According to Stackla, 88% of customers buy products from their trusted brands. So, you have to ensure brand consistency in your display boxes with logos to build trust in customers. The key is to create a cohesive and unified brand identity that customers can easily recognize and relate to. 

Typographic Fonts

Designs and their appeals also depend upon the styles of the fonts. The right font styles, sizes, and placements create a visual hierarchy that guides the viewer's eyes and emphasizes key messages. 


The texture of the packaging adds depth and sophistication to the overall design. 

It can be a smooth, sleek finish for a modern product or a textured, tactile surface for a more natural or rustic appeal. Embossing, debossing, and foiling are also there for your custom display boxes. You can use them to change the experience of your customers.

Custom Display Boxes

Impact On Customer Perception And Purchase Decisions

An aesthetically pleasing and thoughtfully designed display packaging creates a positive perception. They make the customer more inclined to purchase the product.

Sophisticated and well-crafted display packaging suggests a high-quality product and a brand that invests in its image. Furthermore, they communicate not only the product's features but also its value proposition and brand integrity.


In short, an elegantly designed display box instills a sense of excitement, anticipation, and joy. The custom made display boxes build an emotional connection with the customers. This emotional connection influences purchase decisions because customers are more likely to choose a product that evokes positive feelings. Lastly, the design and presentation of custom printed display boxes wield a persuasive power in shaping customer perceptions and driving purchase choices.

Read Also: Display Your Product Gloriously With CBD Display Boxes


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